
Our lab is looking for motivated candidates for PhD scholarships in Cyber security, Software Architectures and Software Developers. Call for PhD positions: Applications are invited for a PhD scholarship in Cybersecurity (AI for cybersecurity and cybersecurity for AI) in the School of Computer Sciences, University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland.The successful applicants will work under the...

Hung Ngo published the OAK model

This model is published in Springer LNCS Vol. 12466. It's a knowledge representation model, called an ontology-based knowledge map, which can collect knowledge from different sources, store it, and exploit either directly by stakeholders or as an input to the knowledge discovery process (Data Mining).

InSDN Datasets published

There are no publicly available datasets that can be used directly for anomaly detection systems applied in SDN networks. The majority of the published studies use non-compatible and outdated datasets, such as the KDD’99 dataset. InSDN is an attack-specific SDN dataset and it is publicly available to the researchers. To the best of our knowledge, our work is one of the first solutions to...