Our lab is looking for motivated candidates for PhD scholarships in Cyber security, Postdoctoral Fellows, Software Architectures and Software Developers.
Call for Postdoctoral Research Fellow positions:
Applications are invited for a Postdoc Research Fellowship in Cybersecurity in the ASEADOS Lab, School of Computer Sciences, University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland. The successful applicants will work under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Nhien‐An Le‐Khac (https://people.ucd.ie/an.lekhac). The successful applicants will also be involved in the research and teaching activities in the MSc Forensic Computing and Cybercrime Investigation Programme (https://www.ucd.ie/science/filestore/msc_forensic_comp_cybercrime.pdf). Please contact Assoc. Prof. Le-Khac (Email: an<dot>lekhac<at>ucd<dot>ie for more details) for more details.
Call for PhD positions:
Applications are invited for a PhD scholarship in Cybersecurity (AI for cybersecurity and cybersecurity for AI) in the School of Computer Sciences, University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland.
The successful applicants will work under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Nhien‐An Le‐Khac (https://people.ucd.ie/an.lekhac). The successful applicants will also be involved in the research and teaching activities in the MSc Forensic Computing and Cybercrime Investigation Programme (https://www.ucd.ie/science/filestore/msc_forensic_comp_cybercrime.pdf)‐ a world’s leading programme for the law enforcement officers specialising in cybercrime investigations with more than 1500 students from 75 countries in 5 continents have graduated, this programme has just won the Council of Europe tender, second times in a row.
Applicants should have experience and/or interest in cyber security, digital forensics, AI (artificial intelligence), Internet of things (IoT), advanced information systems and big data analytics, etc.
Eligibility criteria:
+ Applicants should hold a first or upper second class honours undergraduate degree and/or an MSc in Computer Science (or a relevant subject).
+ Applicants must satisfy the UCD Minimum Language Requirements (as outlined at http://www.ucd.ie/registry/admissions/elr.html)
Start Date: Sep-2025
(Email: an<dot>lekhac<at>ucd<dot>ie for more details)
Call for Software Architecture and Software Developer positions:
Blood Brothers is a digital health platform that empowers people to better understand and hence manage their risk of developing diabetes. Our cloud-based, cyber-secure platform combines a diverse range of data sources provided by the user to deliver personalised health insights. The goal of the project is to develop a market-ready prototype of the digital healthcare platform, acquire more pilot partners, and spin-out a start-up company. We are looking for positions:
+ 1 Software Architecture (<more details>), and
+ 3 Software Developer positions (<more details>).
Start Date: March/April 2021